1. Color Schemes
Primary and Secondary Colors: Customize your main color scheme, which appears in elements like buttons, links, and headings.
Background Colors: Set background colors for sections, headers, footers, and page content areas.
Text Colors: Adjust colors for primary text, secondary text, and accent text. This affects headings, body text, and any call-to-action (CTA) text.
Button Colors: Customize the button background, text, and hover colors for consistency in call-to-action elements across your store.
Tip: Use colors that complement your brand for visual consistency. A contrast between background and text improves readability.
2. Typography
Fonts: Select fonts for headings, body text, and navigation links. Shopify’s theme editor often includes Google Fonts and custom font options.
Font Size: Adjust font sizes for headings, body text, and specific areas like the footer or sidebar.
Font Weight: Choose weights (light, regular, bold) for different text types to emphasize key information and enhance readability.
Line Height & Letter Spacing: Control the spacing for readability, especially in large blocks of text or product descriptions.
Note: Consistent typography improves user experience, so pick fonts and sizes that are easy to read on all devices.
3. Layout Adjustments
Container Width: Adjust the maximum width for sections like the header, main content, and footer. Options may include full-width, boxed, or custom widths.
Padding and Margins: Control spacing within sections and between elements to fine-tune the layout. Padding adjusts internal spacing, while margins set the space between blocks.
Grid Settings: Customize product grids, blog layouts, or gallery grids, allowing you to specify the number of items per row and spacing between items.
Section Order and Visibility: Enable or disable certain sections on the homepage, product pages, and collection pages. You can also reorder sections based on priority.
Example: For a minimal design, keep layouts simple with sufficient white space, whereas grid layouts can highlight more products on collection pages.
4. Global Settings
Logo & Favicon Upload: Upload your store’s logo for the header and a favicon for the browser tab. Options may include size adjustments and alignment.
Header & Footer Settings: Adjust the header height, navigation style, social media links, and additional information in the footer (e.g., contact details, copyright).
Product Page Settings: Enable options like product badges, stock levels, product reviews, and tabs for additional product information.
Checkout Customizations: Customize the checkout page with background colors, logo, and button colors to ensure a consistent look through to the final purchase step.
Tip: Keeping global settings consistent with your brand colors and fonts builds trust and provides a seamless customer experience.
5. Social Media & Third-Party Integrations
- Social Links: Add links to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest in the header or footer.
- Share Options: Enable share buttons on product pages, allowing customers to share products directly to social media.
- App Integration Settings: If the theme supports third-party integrations (e.g., review apps), enable or configure these settings to display social proof.